Tuttle Yick Client Obtains Sweeping Victory on Appeal  After Decision Dismissing Millions in Contract, Unjust Enrichment, and Mechanics’ Lien Claims

To close the year, Tuttle Yick Client Otek Builders, the general contractor for several WeWork projects around New York City, obtained a sweeping victory on appeal before the Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court. The Second Department panel, reversing the Staten Island trial court, dismissed over $2 million in claims by Mikoma Technology of Power and Lights Wiring and Control (“Mikoma Tech”), holding that Mikoma Tech could not recover against Otek under a contract or quasi-contract theory and had forfeited its right to assert and foreclose on its mechanics’ liens because Mikoma Tech did not have a license to perform electrical work in New York City in compliance with its Administrative Code. Tuttle Yick managing partner Greg Tuttle served as lead counsel and argued the appeal.

A copy of the decision can be found here.